Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Right before she turned 3 months old, Harper started showing signs of being ready for solid food. It was a little earlier thank I had planned to try spoon-feeding, but we gave it a shot. I was amazed by how well she did!

She would get so excited when she saw the spoon coming her way. Check out how big she's opening that mouth!

She looks pretty satisfied to me.

Since then we've upgraded to all sorts of pureed foods. Her favorites seem to be sweet potato and carrots. Now she squeals when she sees me pull out a new jar of food and then wiggles all over as I'm trying to feed her. She loves to grab my hand and guide the spoon into her mouth.

She's growing so fast, some days it is hard to believe how small she was just a few months ago. I can't imagine what the next few months will bring!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Harper is so beautiful! I can't believe she started eating solids at 3 months! Wow! What a cutie. We have that same bouncer chair and Gracie loves it! We hope you are all doing well :)