Harper turned eight weeks old today. Each week seems to have flown by, but the changes in her are really amazing. When she was born, she felt like only skin and bones. Where her skin used to be baggy, she is now developing some good chub. Over the last few days we've noticed a little double chin developing. A full head of hair quickly turned to hair only on the back and sides, but the top is starting to grow back -- slowly. She seems to be quite long, but we'll confirm that at her 2 month visit this Friday.
She is becoming more and more fun every day. A few mannerisms to remember:
*Harper is very good at keeping her schedule. Not only was she born on her due date, but it has been fairly easy to teach her when to expect meal time.
*When she starts to get hungry she clucks her tongue.
*She loves her binki - and has since day 3.
*When we burp her she straightens her body and stands up, with only a little help balancing.
*Although she doesn't care for "tummy time," her neck is getting very strong. When we hold her up vertically she stretches her neck up and looks all around.
*She is such a happy baby! She started really smiling around 5 or 6 weeks. The smiles have only gotten more and more adorable.
*Harper loves to be talked to and is starting to "talk" back. She'll be carrying on conversations in no time.
*She holds her hands in a very girly fashion - always sticking her pinky fingers up.
*She loves to go on walks. Today, the weather was beautiful so I took her for a walk during her nap time. I carry her in the Baby Bjorn, and she usually sleeps the whole way, but today she woke up halfway through and pleasantly enjoyed the ride while watching the world pass by.
*She doesn't seem to mind "owie face" kisses - or doesn't seem to. ("Owie face" is the scratchy stubble growing out of Shiloh's face)
*She is a great traveler. We have taken her on
many outings and has only protested a few times.
*Most of Harper's friends are boys. With the exception of Ruby, all of the babies born around the same time have been (and continue to be) boys. So far she hasn't complained.