Monday, January 25, 2010


A true product of the 21st century, Harper is already becoming familiar with technology. With grandparents too far away for regular visits, she enjoys weekly Skype calls with both the Allens and Mannings. It has proven to be a decent substitute, and we hope that it helps our parents feel a little more connected to this sweet girl.

An added bonus has been our Skype sessions with my little sister, Arrin, who is doing this semester in London. She doesn't have phone access, but we've been able to catch her on Skype every once in a while.


tialovesmontana said...

She looks really into it! The little cute babyface. :)

Unknown said...

I love how harper looks totally in control of the computer.

Valerie said...

Sophia loves to Skype also. The other day she opened my laptop and I asked what she was doing and she said, "I'm skyping Grammie."